Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: “Love your neighbor as yourself”.
Who Are We?
At First Presbyterian Church of Owasso we believe that the governance of the Church is shared by clergy and laity, regardless of gender. Learn more about us.
Welcome Message from Pastor Sandy
We heartily invite you to drop in for a cup of coffee in our Café. Enjoy fellowship with our friends and members. Visit our adult Christian Discussion group, studying today’s difficult issues through the lens of faith and scripture.
Join us for worship where we blend the traditional with the contemporary. In worship, we view our world through Biblical teachings.
Bring your children and grandchildren. They will meet children and youth who learn Jesus’ teachings while helping lead the church.
Come and see and experience FPCO where “Love Shines Here.”
Pastor Sandy
Come Worship with Us
Join us for worship on Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m. We stream our service online, for those unable to attend in person. You can either watch it live or at your convenience.
Get Connected and Get Involved
We have many ways for you to get involved in worship services, Small groups, classes, and more to suit your needs and stage of life. Members, volunteers, and staff are ready to answer your questions, make you feel at home, and help you get connected.
Check out our online Sermon archive.
Services & Activites
Check out our calendar of activities.
Get Involved
Get involved with what’s happening.
Gratefully Give
There are several ways to give to First Presbyterian Church of Owasso.

Looking to help give to our church? We have several opportunities available on how you can give.