Sermons on Philippians
Boundless Peace
3rd Sunday of Advent, Morning WorshipSermon Series: BoundlessSermon: Boundless PeaceAccompanying Scripture: Philippians 4: 4-7 Boundless Peace I heard the bells on Christmas DayTheir old, familiar carols play,And wild and sweetThe words repeatOf peace on earth, good-will to men! 1 This is a poem entitled “Christmas Bells” written by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and it’s a particularly long poem. Not all of the stanzas made it into the song that we know so well. He wrote it in 1863, during a time…
Boundless Joy
2nd Sunday of Advent, Morning WorshipSermon Series: BoundlessSermon: Boundless JoyAccompanying Scripture: Philippians 1: 1-11 Boundless Joy There once was a church that didn’t love themselves. As a result, they had trouble loving other people. Board decisions were never implemented. People were afraid of bullies. They kept doing the same thing, never realizing it wasn’t working. They didn’t understand why they couldn’t grow. Guests arrived, but there was no room for them. Oh, there were plenty of pews and plenty of…