Baptism of the Lord, Sunday Morning Worship, January 12, 2025
Sermon: Take Me To The Water
Accompanying Scripture: Luke 3: 15-17 & 21-22
Take Me To The Water
Do you ever wonder why Jesus was baptized? Think about it: he wasn’t sinful; he didn’t need to be marked by God because he was God’s Son; and he didn’t need to do a clean sweep of his life. Luke writes that the people entered the water and when they were finished Jesus entered the water. I think entering the water is the key phrase here. Jesus entered into everything that Humanity has to deal with day by day: the Good the Bad and the Ugly. I believe he entered the waters in order to be with each of us. Entering those baptismal waters brings us close to Jesus.
Imagine your baptism. Some of us may not have been baptized. Many of you were baptized and you may remember it. Perhaps you were still a child or a baby when you were baptized.
As you entered those waters whether it was sprinkling or full immersion, Jesus was there holding you, loving you, and whispering to you, “You are my beloved. In you I am well pleased!”
In a few moments we’re going to come to the font and enjoy the baptism waters. I encourage you to touch and feel the water. Sense Christ with you, his hands in the water with you. Enjoy the moment and hear the song that Allan will sing to go along with this holy day.
While you’re waiting in line to come to the water, I wonder if you might answer some questions for yourself. What do you want to hear from Jesus? What do you want to tell Jesus? You can tell him anything. What do you need him to say to you? What do you need to hear.
Bring your joy, your sorrow, your hope, your hopelessness, your love, your very lives.