Church Blog (Page 2)

Make Prayer Beads for Lent

Want to do something different to hep your prayer life during Lent? Come to the Cafe during worship, and make some prayer beads to help you in the prayer practices during this Lenten season of preparation for Easter. Our Youth and Cafe minister Sara Davis will be there to guide you.

Join the Chimes or the Choir for Easter!

All ages and abilities are welcome to join the Chimes choir after worship each Sunday for rehearsal, or the choir on Wednesdays at 7:15pm. We are practicing for special music on Easter, April 1st!

Journey to Easter–Fridays in Lent

Join us for this ecumenical worship series each Friday in Lent at 12:15pm, at a different local church, with guest preachers! Each 30 minute worship service is followed by a free lunch! Friday March 2nd is at Silver Creek Nazarene, with Deacon Edmundo Martinez of St. Henry’s preaching Friday March 9th is at St. Henry’s Catholic, with Rev. Natalie Bell of FPCO preaching Friday March 16th is a First United Methodist, with Rev. Brian Loderhose of Silver Creek preaching Friday…

Dollar Days of Summer–for Missions

Bring your dollar bills and spare change all summer, and place in the plate during worship! It will support our missions: Owasso Community Resources, our sister church in Malawi, the Youth Cafe, and Meals on Wheels!

New Sanctuary & Cafe Flooring

Thank you to American Biltrite, and our member Rob Sheader for the donation of new vinyl flooring for our sanctuary and cafe! It’s looking and sounding great! Thank you to all who helped with installation, the new stage, and the cafe furniture!
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