COVID-19 has turned church upside down! To keep people safe, we are encouraging everyone to participate in online worship on our YouTube channel, and/or to attend Church on the Lawn, Sundays at 9am (with masks and social distancing). We also have Zoom classes for prayer, Youth and Kids, and all church team meetings. As long as COVID cases are rising in Tulsa County, we will continue this ‘different’ way of doing church!
The building is closed, except for essential administrative business and maintenance—but church is NOT closed! We are OPEN! We are still the body of Christ, the hands and feet of Jesus in this world! We may be separated physically, but we are connected in so many ways. Elders and Deacons act as ‘shepherds’ of the church, calling on several families regularly. Volunteers send cards and birthday wishes. Many members give regularly to the Owasso Community Resources ‘Blessing Box’ of non-perishable food and household items (until we build our own on church grounds), and several volunteers help sort and hand out food at OCR! Our Youth and Kids are preparing special musical pieces for online worship, and for the day when we return to the sanctuary! We have talented liturgists, acolytes, and musicians—leading us online!
It is a different way of being the church, but the Spirit is equipping and empowering us to do things in a new way! We hope you’ll join us!