We have many ways for you to get involved in worship services, Bible studies, small groups, classes, and more to suit your needs and stage of life. Members, volunteers, and staff are ready to answer your questions, make you feel at home, and help you get connected.
At First Presbyterian Church of Owasso we believe that the governance of the Church is shared by clergy and laity, regardless of gender.
- Our Ministries are how we demonstrate our faith and values.
- Our Ministries are how we connect with our neighbors.
- Our Ministries are opportunities to take the light of Christ out into the world.
Each Ministry has a committee that is headed by and Elder and staffed with volunteers. Volunteers can be members, guests, and friends of the Church.
The Ministry Committees
Our Fellowship Committee is responsible for nurturing the congregation through meaningful fellowship experiences. The special activities are a way for our members to grow together in Christian love, which allows the congregation to grow closer as a body of Christ.
This group schedules a fellowship activity about once a month, some of the activities include:
- Bunco and Bingo to support missions
- Chili Supper & Musical Evening
- Thanksgiving Potluck & Dinner
- Adult Christmas Party
If you are interested in learning more contact Fellowship Elder Nora Sheader.
The worship Ministry includes the Music Ministry. We value a meaningful worship service that blends traditional and contemporary elements. Through music, liturgy, and rituals, we enhance our worship experience, proclaim the gospel, glorify God, and magnify the name of our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ.
Our Children and Youth are part of the worship service, by serving as readers, and acolytes, and providing special music.
It is important to us that everyone has an opportunity to worship, even if they are unable to do so in person. We live-stream our worship service on our YouTube channel. Anyone can watch live or go back and watch at their convenience.
If you are interested in learning more contact Worship Elder Alan Parker.
Christian Education
We provide all ages a place to learn about Christ’s love and biblical truths.
Children and Youth are a central part of our Church family. They are always welcome in our worship services, and many of them serve as Acolytes, musicians, and liturgists. The Children & Youth meet on Wednesday evenings at 6:00pm, and also at children’s time during worship.
We provide various opportunities for adults to cultivate their faith, gather in the community, and invest in others.
- Youth School: is every 1st and 3rd Sunday immediately following worship
- In months where there are five Sunday’s, there is a special outing planned by our youth
If you are interested in learning more contact Christian Education Elder Janet Parker.
The purpose of the Finance team is to Faithfully oversee the finances of First Presbyterian Church of Owasso, in a way that is transparent, organized, and relatable, so that all the ministries of the church understand the financial resources we have available to focus on Loving God and Neigbor.
Team member activities include:
- Prepare annual budgets
- Track income, expense, and budgetary items
- Maintain proper checks-and-balances within the chruch’s spending systems
- Prepare reports for review by session and communications to congregation
If you are interested in learning more contact Finance Elder Laura Brewer.
Buildings and Grounds
The purpose is to provide a safe, attractive and orderly environment, in a way that is accessible to all, so that the church family and visitors feel welcome.
The scope of the work includes maintaining everything owned by the church in real estate, mowing, painting, etc. This does not include decorating the church or dealing with aesthetics, but to maintain those designs, furniture and paint colors that have been chosen by the church.
If you are interested in learning more contact Building and Grounds Elder Marcia Taylor.
We partner with ministries that care for our community. Our Missions ministry exists to equip people to demonstrate and shine the love of Jesus to a broken, hurting community. Our partners are:
- Meals on Wheels
- Owasso Community Resources
- Emergency Infant Services
- Boy Scouts of America
Food Blessing Box
We have and maintain a small food pantry with non-perishable foods, toilet paper, and diapers in our church parking lot. It’s a “take what you need, leave what you can” local mission!
If you are interested in learning more contact Missions Elder Marcia Taylor.
Other Committees
There are some other committees, and volunteer opportunities.
The Deacons
This group keeps in touch with absent friends and friends in need. Contact Pastor Sandy Bach.
This group reaches out to the Community searching for more opportunites for us to serve. Contact Pastor Sandy Bach.
Commissioned by Session, this group manages the policies and procedures of our staff employees. Contact Rob Sheader.
There are also opportunities to help in the office. Contact Sandy Bach.