A New Hallelujah!

26th Sunday After Pentecost, Morning Worship
Sermon: A New Hallelujah!
Accompanying Scripture: 1 Timothy 6: 6-19

New Hallelujah

A farmer experienced a bumper crop of wheat that would last him for many years.
After carefully considering his options, he decided to build bigger barns to store the
wheat. At last, he could relax and enjoy life.

That night, he died.

What was so wrong with setting aside his gain for the day when the crops could fail?
We teach our children to save their money for a rainy day. We save for our retirement.
What are we missing here?

I Timothy 6:6-19 provides us with a good explanation. This scripture passage reminds
us to be content with what we have. And it goes further to share what that looks like.

Timothy’s mentor advises him that being wealthy is not a sin. It’s how we behave with
our wealth. He reminds us to begin with authenticity, be who we are with each other,
and what we are when we’re with God. We don’t need to cover up who we are. God
loves us just as we are. Besides, God is in the transformation business. You’ll grow,
mature, and change as you grow closer to God in Christ.

“A devout life does bring wealth, but it’s the rich simplicity of being yourself before
God.” (vs 6 The Message) That’s what matters.

For the past few years, I have tried to be pastoral regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.
It was lonely and difficult. We have needed to offer each other and ourselves grace.
For some of us, it was necessary to step back and slow down. Others tried to find the
old normal.

Today, I announce it’s a New Hallelujah! We’ve weathered the storms of loss, sickness,
and death. It’s a new world and a new normal. We’ve come through it with resiliency.

Last month, Session shared their joys and accomplishments in 2024. They envisioned 2025. We are excited. It’s a New Hallelujah!

God has a vision for us. Loving God and our neighbors—all of our neighbors—is just
the beginning. God’s vision will be enacted as we embrace God and the faith God
offers us. Turning away from idols and putting them in their place helps us unclutter
our lives, our souls, and our hearts.

It’s a New Hallelujah!

What do you look forward to in 2025?

How will you serve God in the new year?

All glory and honor be to God.
